About Us

Tammy Carpenter is the director and teacher for Love to Learn Preschool. She has a bachelor's degree in science from Northern Arizona University and has been teaching for over 5 years. She is a substitute teacher at the Mesa Unified School District (on her non-preschool days) and has taught in K-12th grade classes. Tammy was also a foster parent in the state of Arizona for several years and received in depth skills training as part of that program.

One of her most successful teaching techniques is to incorporate Love and Logic into her classroom. This proven philosophy helps her make teaching fun and rewarding and gives her the opportunity to develop respectful, healthy relationships with each of her little students. She teaches healthy decision-making and provides limits in a loving way.  Love allows children to grow, even through their mistakes and logic allows them to live with the consequences of their choices--all great life skills that will help them grow into responsible young people who are prepared to live in the real world. 

On a more personal note, Tammy is married to E.K. Carpenter, and they have four beautiful children (Ethan, Kaiya, Porter, and Adalynn), and a mini Golden Doodle named Quinn. Tammy is a native of Arizona and, prior to moving to Mesa, lived in many small towns around the state (Grand Canyon, Page, Lake Havasu, Sierra Vista, and Flagstaff). She loves to travel and has visited many different countries.